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  • Searching and Downloading Components

    What are components and how do you search or download them?

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  • Crash Course

    Create a Finroc application from scratch: a simple simulation of a robot moving in a planar environment with a wall. "Crash course" that covers various fundamental topics for application development - as well as drawing to a canvas.

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  • Data Port Basics

    Things, everybody using data ports should know. This includes creating and connecting ports, as well as publishing and receiving data.

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  • Inter-Process Port Connections

    How to connect Finroc components in different processes ("parts")

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  • Data Recording

    How to record the contents of selected data ports to hard disk.

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  • RPC Ports

    How to use RPC ports when more complex component interaction is required.

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  • Component-Defined Visualization

    How to add visualization to Finroc components - shown e.g. as (animated) thumbnails in the Finstruct component graph.

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  • Suitable Port Data Types

    Suitable C++ types for use in ports and parameters - and how to make any C++ type suitable.

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  • Data Ports

    Covers relevant features that data ports provide for component and application developers. This includes input port queues, port listeners and dynamic port construction.

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  • Blackboards

    How to use a mechanism for network transparent shared objects or memory.

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  • MakeBuilder

    Finroc's convenient build system.

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